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Raspberry PI

The software is actively tested and fully supported on a Raspberry PI 3 or 4. Other Raspberry PIs could work, as testing on more devices is not doable. So there are messages that Pi Zeros should work. But I cannot test it, and therefore offer limit support.


With the new installers, it looks like that Wifi is disabled after installation. This will also block the bluetooth functionality. So make sure you have enabled Wifi by using the raspi-config tool and configure your Wifi setup. This will activate the Wifi and bluetooth chip.


Raspberry PI GPIO pins layout All the hardware that is connected through GPIO pins needs to use the physical pin number as address. This means a number from 1 - 40.

Power saving

Some GPIO sensors can benefit from using power saving. A good example is the analog/digital moisture sensor YTXX

Power management works that you connect the red (power) wire of the sensor to a GPIO pin, which will be put to high so that the sensor get powered. After 1.0 sec a measurement is taken, and afterwards the power to the sensor is shutdown.

When you want to enable power saving just enter an extra GPIO pin number, where the RED power cable is connected to, to the address separated by a comma.
Ex: [GPIO Readout pin],[GPIO power saving pin]

remark: Not all sensors will work with power management.

Analog sensors

RaspIO Analog Zero It is possible to add analog sensors to TerrariumPI. But as TerrariumPI only has digital GPIO ports, an extra add-on is needed to add analog ports. For now the RaspIO Analog Zero is known to work. But any MCP3008 based board should work. The downside is that you will miss some GPIO pins for other use.

I2C bus

By default there is only 1 I2C bus available. But it is possible to add more I2C busses to your Raspberry PI. To select a different I2C bus then 1, use the following address notation:
<I2C Address>,[I2C Bus number]

<I2C Address> is mandatory and you can use the number shown in the i2cdetect. Adding ‘0x’ in front is allowed. So either 3c, 3c,1, 0x3c and 0x3c,1 are valid and the same I2C addresses.

The [I2C Bus number] is optional and can be omitted. The default value is 1.

Run the command i2cdetect -y 1 in order to see what is connected to your I2C bus. A correct working I2C bus should produce the following outcome:

     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3c -- -- --
40: 40 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I2C Multiplexer

With an I2C multiplexer you can add more I2C busses to TerrariumPI. Support for I2C multiplexers depends on the support in the OS. For now there is support for pca9542 (2 channel), pca9545 (4 channel), and pca9548 (8 channel) muxes.

I2C IO Expander

There is support for two I2C IO Expanders so you can have extra GPIO relays or GPIO buttons if needed. This will update the GPIO address to:
pcf857<4/5>-<IO expander port>,<I2C Address>,[I2C Bus number]

Either use pcf8574 or pcf8575 to select the used IO expander.

<IO expander port> is mandatory and is a number from 0 till max ports - 1.

<I2C Address> is mandatory and specified here.


We currently support 32 types of relays. Relays which has a dial icon Dimmer icon after their name are dimmers.

Bright-PI Relay is a dimmer

DC Dimmer Relay is a dimmer

Denkovi V2

Energenie LAN

Energenie RF

Energenie USB



HD30A 4 Channel Electromagnetic I2C Relay 12V 30A

I2C 4Channels LED AC dimmer Relay is a dimmer

IRF520 Dimmer Relay is a dimmer

Kasa Smart

LED-Warrior18 Relay is a dimmer

Meross power switches

NextEVO Universal AC MAINS Dimmer (MPDMv4.1) Relay is a dimmer

PCA9685 dimmer Relay is a dimmer

Qwiic Relay

Remote dimmer Relay is a dimmer

Remote relay

Script dimmer Relay is a dimmer

Script relay

Sequent Microsystems 4 Relay Card

Sequent Microsystems 4 Relay Card Ver. 4

Sequent Microsystems 8 Relay Card Ver. 1 - 2

Sequent Microsystems 8 Relay Card Ver. 3

Sequent Microsystems 8 Relay Card Ver. 4


Sonoff (Tasmota)

Sonoff D1 Dimmer (Tasmota/DIY) Relay is a dimmer

Tapo P100 Mini Smart Wi-Fi Socket

Voltcraft SEM6000

WEMO Smart plug


We currently support 37 hardware types of sensors, measuring altitude, co2, conductivity, distance, fertility, humidity, light, moisture, ph, pressure, temperature, uva, uvb, uvi:

1-Wire sensor

humidity, temperature

AM2302 Sensor

humidity, temperature

AM2320 Sensor

humidity, temperature

AMG8833 Grid-Eye IR Thermometer sensor


AtlasScientific I2C sensor

co2, conductivity, humidity, ph, pressure, temperature

BH1750 LUX light sensor


BME280 sensor

altitude, humidity, pressure, temperature

BME680 sensor

altitude, humidity, pressure, temperature

CCS811 Air Quality sensor


Chirp sensor

moisture, temperature

COZIR CO2 sensor

co2, humidity, temperature

DHT11 sensor

humidity, temperature

DHT22 sensor

humidity, temperature

HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging sensor


HC-SR04P ultrasonic ranging sensor


Honeywell HumidIcon HIH8000 sensor

humidity, temperature

HTU21D sensor

humidity, temperature

JSN-SR04T ultrasonic ranging sensor


K30 CO2 sensor


LYWSD03MMC bluetooth sensor

humidity, temperature

Meross MS100(F)

humidity, temperature

MH-Z19 CO2 sensor

co2, temperature

MH-Z19b CO2 sensor

co2, temperature

MiFlora bluetooth sensor

fertility, light, moisture, temperature

MiTemperature bluetooth sensor

humidity, temperature

MLX90614 IR Thermometer sensor


One-Wire File System (OWFS)

humidity, temperature

Remote Sensor

altitude, co2, distance, fertility, humidity, light, moisture, ph, pressure, temperature, uva, uvb, uvi

Script Sensor

altitude, co2, distance, fertility, humidity, light, moisture, ph, pressure, temperature, uva, uvb, uvi

SEN0161 PH Probe sensor (analog)


Sensirion SHT2X sensor

humidity, temperature

Sensirion SHT3X sensor

humidity, temperature

Sensirion SHT3XD sensor

humidity, temperature

Sensirion SHT4X sensor

humidity, temperature

SI7021 sensor

humidity, temperature

VEML6075 UVA and UVB light sensor

uva, uvb, uvi

YL-69 sensor (digital)



We currently support 5 types of buttons.

IO Expander

Light sensor

Magnetic (door) button

Motion sensor

Remote Button


We currently support 9 types of webcams.

Live HLS Stream

Live streaming

Live Raspberry PI camera

Live streaming

Live RTSP camera

Live streaming

Live USB camera

Live streaming

Local file webcam

Still picture

Raspberry PI camera

Still picture

Remote file webcam

Still picture

RTSP camera

Still picture

USB camera

Still picture

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