Home IO Expander

IO Expander

With the IO expander pcf8574 and pcf8575 you can add more GPIO relays and buttons to TerrariumPI. This IO expander does only support on/off actions. So it is not possible to use this IO expander with a DHT sensor. You cannot read out the extra GPIO ports.


In order to use this IO expander, enter the following address in the GPIO relay or button address field.
pcf857<4/5>-<IO expander port>,<I2C Address>,[I2C Bus number]

Either use pcf8574 or pcf8575 to select the used IO expander.

<IO expander port> is mandatory and is a number from 0 till max ports - 1.

<I2C Address> is mandatory and specified here.


This is a 8 ports IO expander. The yellow on the image.


This is a 16 ports IO expander. The right blue board on the image.

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