AtlasScientific I2C sensor
Atlas Scientific LLC provides embedded systems scientific equipment, specializing in chemicals, sensors, electronic and hardware components and kits.
The company offers pH systems, ORP systems, dissolved oxygen systems, data loggers, FLO-30 flow meters, Arduino Rapid Development Shields, digital field-ready temperature sensors with data logger, field-ready temperature sensors, color detector sensors, serial ports, and debuggers.
The range also includes chemicals such as calibration solutions, pH sensors, redox sensors, dissolved oxygen sensors and conductivity sensors.
In order to use the AtlasScientific I2C sensor use the following settings:
Hardware : AtlasScientific I2C sensor
Types : co2, conductivity, humidity, ph, pressure, temperature
Address : <I2C Address>,[I2C Bus] where the I2C bus is optional
Ex: 0x3f
Other settings can be found at the sensor setup information