Home Release TerrariumPI v 4.11.0

Release TerrariumPI v 4.11.0

Release TerrariumPI v 4.11.0

Release 4.11.0 - Brighten up the displays

Raspberry PI LCDIn this update, the big changes are in the notification system. The biggest change is the Display code and logic. The code has been completely rewritten, and works much better now.

Raspberry PI OLEDThe biggest change is that the display will now always keep the latest messages, and will add new messages to the bottom. This way, we can use the most of the small display space there is.
As a bonus, you can also have the latest line scroll horizontal. But with a lot of messages, the display can get out of sync, or not keeping up. Just try it and see if it works for you.

Sender address for email

When you now create a email notification service you can now specify the sender address. Hopefully this will work better with external mail parties.

Support for Meross MS100F sensor

As there is now support for MS100F sensor, which is the same as the MS100 but with a solar charger. With this release those sensors are now also supported. They should be auto discovered during startup.

Raspberry PI 5 and Bookworm support

Bookworm support is done for he most part. So you could use Bookworm as OS from now, but NOT on a Raspberry PI 5. The Raspberry PI 5 has still some issues with the webcams and the LDR light sensor. They do not work (yet). Other GPIO related problems should be fixed.

But due to the amount of time it costs to test all Raspberry PI OS versions (buster, bullseye and bookworm) on all supported Raspberry hardware is not doable. That would create more than 10 different combinations, which is to much to fully test. Specially it needs to be tested with physical hardware.

It is still not clear when Raspberry PI 5 hardware is supported. You can run it on your own risk.

Documentation cleanup

The documentation is totally reformatted to follow the Markdown format rules. For the outcome of the HTML there is no difference, but now it is all according to Markdown specs.

Small fixes in the documentation RSS feed.


Get the new version here.

Or, go the installation page in order to install Terrarium PI version.

Or, go the upgrade steps at the installation page.


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