Home Release TerrariumPI v 4.4.0

Release TerrariumPI v 4.4.0

Release TerrariumPI v 4.4.0

Release 4.4.0

This is release witch contains new hardware, code improvements and hopefully a bit speed improvement. Also there are translation updates and we have a new language Catalan. Get the new version here.

Here are some highlights of this release.

I2C Multiplexer

TerrariumPI is tested with an I2C multiplexer in order to add more I2C buses to the Raspberry PI and the ability to add fixed address sensors/relays on different buses. And this support is just in the Raspberry PI OS. Just connect it to the first I2C bus and add a single line to the file /boot/config. More can be found here.


There is now support for 2 new dimmers. The first dimmer is the I2C 4 channel LED AC dimmer. This is a dimmer that can control up to 4 electrical devices.

The other dimmer is the LED-Warrior18 dimmer. This is a DC dimmer that can control 2 electrical devices.

And we should be able to support majority of the AtlasScientific sensors.

Bug fixes

The following bugs are fixed:

  • A nasty time table bug when using the climate mirror mode. This mostly happens when the difference in timezones was around 10-12 hours.
  • Fixed BrightPI support.
  • Try to improve the overall speed. It looks it is a bit faster, but it is also depending on the used hardware and Raspberry Pi version.


Get the new version here.

Or, go the installation page in order to install Terrarium PI version.

Or, go the upgrade steps at the installation page.


Not all translations are done. Add missing translations here! All help is appreciated.

Current translation status:
Translation status

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