Home Release TerrariumPI v 4.1.0

Release TerrariumPI v 4.1.0

Release TerrariumPI v 4.1.0

Release 4.1.0

A new release after just for the end of the year. So this is the Christmas release! With this release we have a lot of new features, new hardware support and some bugfixes. Get the new version here.

Here are some highlights of this release.

Climate mirroring

Earth Globe It is now possible to mirror temperature and humidity from a given weather location. This will means that the temperatures will be changed during the day based on the previous day on the selected location. And if you have dimmers running some heaters, they will increase and decrease nicely during the day.

This is all based on the selected weather location in the weather settings. Using the variation tab on an area, you can select weather as a variation source.

Area sensor variations

Like the climate mirroring it is also possible to change the sensor values according to a specified schema. So if you want to have a certain temperatures at 10:00, at 14:00 and 20:00, you can now set this up in the variation tab.

Area dependencies

Another big feature is the ability to let area depending on each other. This way, you can prevent a sprayer system to run dry if the water tank is getting low on volume. If you select the water tank as depending area in the sprayer/humidity area, the sprayer will only operate when it needs based on the selected rules, and when the depending water tank has no alarm. As soon the water tank is on low volume, and the alarm is shown, the sprayer will not operate anymore.

This can be done with almost any area. Disable water heaters when the water tank is empty is now also possible.

Docker support

Docker Logo Also with this new version, there is docker support. This should make it easier to upgrade and install the software. As this is still new, it could be that there are some bugs. If you found one, please report. Thanks to @alec-pinson!

This also means that you can run TerrariumPI on a newer Debian (Bullseye). Natively you still need Debian buster.

New hardware

In this release we also have some new hardware that we support. Those are the Qwiic Relay and newer relay cards of Sequent Microsystems

So, go the installation page in order to install Terrarium PI version.

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