Here you can find information about the TerrariumPI REST API. An interactive version can be found at your own TerrariumPI at http://[raspberrypi]:8090/api/swagger/
GET Get available area types
200 Zero or more area types with supported sensor types.
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
type | body | Area type ID | String |
name | body | Area type readable name | String |
sensors | body | List of sensor types that can be used by this area type | Array of |
GET Get existing areas
200 Zero or more areas
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
enclosure | body | The ID of the enclosure of which this area belongs to | String |
name | body | Name of the area | String |
type | body | Area type from the AreaType list | String |
mode | body | Operating mode | String |
setup | body | JSON setup data | String Default: {} |
state | body | JSON state data | String Default: {} |
POST Add a new area to an enclosure {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
enclosure | body | The ID of the enclosure of which this area belongs to | String |
name | body | Name of the area | String |
type | body | Area type from the AreaType list | String |
mode | body | Operating mode | String |
setup | body | JSON setup data | String Default: {} |
200 A new created area
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
enclosure | body | The ID of the enclosure of which this area belongs to | String |
name | body | Name of the area | String |
type | body | Area type from the AreaType list | String |
mode | body | Operating mode | String |
setup | body | JSON setup data | String Default: {} |
state | body | JSON state data | String Default: {} |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific area
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of area to return | String |
200 The requested area
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
enclosure | body | The ID of the enclosure of which this area belongs to | String |
name | body | Name of the area | String |
type | body | Area type from the AreaType list | String |
mode | body | Operating mode | String |
setup | body | JSON setup data | String Default: {} |
state | body | JSON state data | String Default: {} |
404 Area does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing area with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of area to update | String |
enclosure | body | The ID of the enclosure of which this area belongs to | String |
name | body | Name of the area | String |
type | body | Area type from the AreaType list | String |
mode | body | Operating mode | String |
setup | body | JSON setup data | String Default: {} |
200 The updated area
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
enclosure | body | The ID of the enclosure of which this area belongs to | String |
name | body | Name of the area | String |
type | body | Area type from the AreaType list | String |
mode | body | Operating mode | String |
setup | body | JSON setup data | String Default: {} |
state | body | JSON state data | String Default: {} |
404 Area does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing area {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of area to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Area does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a list of supported soundcards
200 List of supported soundcards
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
index | body | Audio hardware ID | Integer |
name | body | Audio hardware readable name | String |
GET Get a list of existing audio files
200 Zero or more audio files
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Artist and song name based on ID3 tag data | String |
filename | body | The full path of the audio file | String |
duration | body | Audio file duration in seconds | Number |
filesize | body | Audio file size in bytes | Number |
POST Upload a new audio file {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
audiofiles | body | The uploaded audio file |
200 Audio file is uploaded
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Artist and song name based on ID3 tag data | String |
filename | body | The full path of the audio file | String |
duration | body | Audio file duration in seconds | Number |
filesize | body | Audio file size in bytes | Number |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get an existing audio file
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
file | path | ID of audio file | String |
200 The requested audio file
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Artist and song name based on ID3 tag data | String |
filename | body | The full path of the audio file | String |
duration | body | Audio file duration in seconds | Number |
filesize | body | Audio file size in bytes | Number |
404 Audio file does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing audio file {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
file | path | ID of audio file | String |
200 The requested audio file is deleted
404 Audio file does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a list of supported buttons
200 List of supported hardware
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Button hardware type ID | String |
name | body | Button hardware type name | String |
GET Get a list of existing buttons
200 Zero or more buttons
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Button hardware type from ButtonHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the button | String |
address | body | The address of the button | String |
calibration | body | JSON data | String Default: {} |
value | body | The current state of the button | Number |
POST Add a new button {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Button hardware type from ButtonHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the button | String |
address | body | The address of the button | String |
calibration | body | JSON data | String Default: {} |
200 A new created button
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Button hardware type from ButtonHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the button | String |
address | body | The address of the button | String |
calibration | body | JSON data | String Default: {} |
value | body | The current state of the button | Number |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific button
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of button to return | String |
200 The requested button
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Button hardware type from ButtonHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the button | String |
address | body | The address of the button | String |
calibration | body | JSON data | String Default: {} |
value | body | The current state of the button | Number |
404 Button does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing button with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of button to update | String |
hardware | body | Button hardware type from ButtonHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the button | String |
address | body | The address of the button | String |
calibration | body | JSON data | String Default: {} |
200 The updated button
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Button hardware type from ButtonHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the button | String |
address | body | The address of the button | String |
calibration | body | JSON data | String Default: {} |
value | body | The current state of the button | Number |
404 Button does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing button {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of button to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Button does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the history for a specific button for a period of 1 day
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of button for which to get the history | String |
200 Button history for 1 day
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
timestamp | body | Button measurement unix timestamp | Integer |
value | body | Button measurement state | Number |
404 Button does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the history for a specific button for a period
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of button to return | String |
period | path | Period | String |
200 Button history for {period}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
timestamp | body | Button measurement unix timestamp | Integer |
value | body | Button measurement state | Number |
404 Button does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get existing calendars
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
start | query | Start date and time for calendar items | String |
end | query | End date and time for calendar items | String |
200 Zero or more calendars
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
summary | body | Event title | String |
description | body | Event description | String |
location | body | Event location | String |
dtstart | body | Event start date and time | String |
dtend | body | Event end date and time | String |
all_day | body | True when the event is an all day event | Boolean |
freq | body | Event repeat period | String |
interval | body | Event repeat period value | Integer |
repeatend | body | Event repeat end date and time | String |
POST Add a new calendar event {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
summary | body | Event title | String |
description | body | Event description | String |
location | body | Event location | String |
dtstart | body | Event start date and time | String |
dtend | body | Event end date and time | String |
all_day | body | True when the event is an all day event | Boolean |
freq | body | Event repeat period | String |
interval | body | Event repeat period value | Integer |
repeatend | body | Event repeat end date and time | String |
200 A new created calendar
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
summary | body | Event title | String |
description | body | Event description | String |
location | body | Event location | String |
dtstart | body | Event start date and time | String |
dtend | body | Event end date and time | String |
all_day | body | True when the event is an all day event | Boolean |
freq | body | Event repeat period | String |
interval | body | Event repeat period value | Integer |
repeatend | body | Event repeat end date and time | String |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific calendar
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of calendar to return | String |
200 The requested calendar
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
summary | body | Event title | String |
description | body | Event description | String |
location | body | Event location | String |
dtstart | body | Event start date and time | String |
dtend | body | Event end date and time | String |
all_day | body | True when the event is an all day event | Boolean |
freq | body | Event repeat period | String |
interval | body | Event repeat period value | Integer |
repeatend | body | Event repeat end date and time | String |
404 Calendar does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing calendar with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of calendar to update | String |
summary | body | Event title | String |
description | body | Event description | String |
location | body | Event location | String |
dtstart | body | Event start date and time | String |
dtend | body | Event end date and time | String |
all_day | body | True when the event is an all day event | Boolean |
freq | body | Event repeat period | String |
interval | body | Event repeat period value | Integer |
repeatend | body | Event repeat end date and time | String |
200 The updated calendar
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
summary | body | Event title | String |
description | body | Event description | String |
location | body | Event location | String |
dtstart | body | Event start date and time | String |
dtend | body | Event end date and time | String |
all_day | body | True when the event is an all day event | Boolean |
freq | body | Event repeat period | String |
interval | body | Event repeat period value | Integer |
repeatend | body | Event repeat end date and time | String |
404 Calendar does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing calendar {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of calendar to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Calendar does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Download iCal
200 The calendar in iCal format
404 Calendar does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a list of existing enclosures
200 Zero or more enclosures
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the enclosure | String |
image | body | Enclosure image | String |
areas | body | A list of areas that are in this enclosure | Array of |
doors | body | A list of doors (button) that are in this enclosure | Array of |
webcams | body | A list of webcams that are in this enclosure | Array of |
POST Add a new enclosure {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
name | body | Name of the enclosure | String |
image | body | Enclosure image | String |
areas | body | A list of areas that are in this enclosure | Array of |
doors | body | A list of doors (button) that are in this enclosure | Array of |
webcams | body | A list of webcams that are in this enclosure | Array of |
200 A new created enclosure
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the enclosure | String |
image | body | Enclosure image | String |
areas | body | A list of areas that are in this enclosure | Array of |
doors | body | A list of doors (button) that are in this enclosure | Array of |
webcams | body | A list of webcams that are in this enclosure | Array of |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific enclosure
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of enclosure to return | String |
200 The requested enclosure
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the enclosure | String |
image | body | Enclosure image | String |
areas | body | A list of areas that are in this enclosure | Array of |
doors | body | A list of doors (button) that are in this enclosure | Array of |
webcams | body | A list of webcams that are in this enclosure | Array of |
404 Enclosure does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing enclosure with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of enclosure to update | String |
name | body | Name of the enclosure | String |
image | body | Enclosure image | String |
areas | body | A list of areas that are in this enclosure | Array of |
doors | body | A list of doors (button) that are in this enclosure | Array of |
webcams | body | A list of webcams that are in this enclosure | Array of |
200 The updated enclosure
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the enclosure | String |
image | body | Enclosure image | String |
areas | body | A list of areas that are in this enclosure | Array of |
doors | body | A list of doors (button) that are in this enclosure | Array of |
webcams | body | A list of webcams that are in this enclosure | Array of |
404 Enclosure does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing enclosure {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of enclosure to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Enclosure does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
POST Restart/reboot/shutdown TerrariumPI {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
action | path | Action to perform | String |
200 Result of the action
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
GET Download the logfile {"Basic"=>[]}
200 Get the logfile in plain text
GET Get a list of existing playlists
200 Zero or more playlists
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the playlist | String |
volume | body | Volume for this playlist | Number Default: 80 |
shuffle | body | Enable shuffle for this playlist | Boolean |
repeat | body | Enable repeating for this playlist | Boolean |
files | body | List of audio files | Array of |
POST Add a new playlist {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the playlist | String |
volume | body | Volume for this playlist | Number Default: 80 |
shuffle | body | Enable shuffle for this playlist | Boolean |
repeat | body | Enable repeating for this playlist | Boolean |
files | body | List of audio files | Array of |
200 A new created playlist
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the playlist | String |
volume | body | Volume for this playlist | Number Default: 80 |
shuffle | body | Enable shuffle for this playlist | Boolean |
repeat | body | Enable repeating for this playlist | Boolean |
files | body | List of audio files | Array of |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific playlist
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of playlist to return | String |
200 The requested playlist
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the playlist | String |
volume | body | Volume for this playlist | Number Default: 80 |
shuffle | body | Enable shuffle for this playlist | Boolean |
repeat | body | Enable repeating for this playlist | Boolean |
files | body | List of audio files | Array of |
404 Playlist does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing playlist with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of playlist to update | String |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the playlist | String |
volume | body | Volume for this playlist | Number Default: 80 |
shuffle | body | Enable shuffle for this playlist | Boolean |
repeat | body | Enable repeating for this playlist | Boolean |
files | body | List of audio files | Array of |
200 The updated playlist
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
name | body | Name of the playlist | String |
volume | body | Volume for this playlist | Number Default: 80 |
shuffle | body | Enable shuffle for this playlist | Boolean |
repeat | body | Enable repeating for this playlist | Boolean |
files | body | List of audio files | Array of |
404 Playlist does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing playlist {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of playlist to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Playlist does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a list of supported relays
200 List of supported hardware
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type ID | String |
name | body | Relay hardware type name | String |
POST Scan for new relays {"Basic"=>[]}
200 Found zero or more new relays
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
GET Get a list of existing relays
200 Zero or more relays
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type from RelayHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the relay | String |
address | body | The address of the relay | String |
wattage | body | The amount of power in watts the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
flow | body | The amount of water in liter per minute the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
manual_mode | body | Is the relay in manual mode | Boolean |
replacement | body | Last replacement date and time of the attached hardware | String Default: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current state of the relay | Number |
dimmer | body | Is the relay a dimmer | Boolean |
POST Add a new relay {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type from RelayHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the relay | String |
address | body | The address of the relay | String |
wattage | body | The amount of power in watts the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
flow | body | The amount of water in liter per minute the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
200 A new created relay
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type from RelayHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the relay | String |
address | body | The address of the relay | String |
wattage | body | The amount of power in watts the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
flow | body | The amount of water in liter per minute the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
manual_mode | body | Is the relay in manual mode | Boolean |
replacement | body | Last replacement date and time of the attached hardware | String Default: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current state of the relay | Number |
dimmer | body | Is the relay a dimmer | Boolean |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific relay
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay to return | String |
200 The requested relay
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type from RelayHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the relay | String |
address | body | The address of the relay | String |
wattage | body | The amount of power in watts the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
flow | body | The amount of water in liter per minute the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
manual_mode | body | Is the relay in manual mode | Boolean |
replacement | body | Last replacement date and time of the attached hardware | String Default: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current state of the relay | Number |
dimmer | body | Is the relay a dimmer | Boolean |
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing relay with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay to update | String |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type from RelayHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the relay | String |
address | body | The address of the relay | String |
wattage | body | The amount of power in watts the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
flow | body | The amount of water in liter per minute the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
200 The updated relay
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Relay hardware type from RelayHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the relay | String |
address | body | The address of the relay | String |
wattage | body | The amount of power in watts the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
flow | body | The amount of water in liter per minute the relay uses when on | Number Default: 0 |
manual_mode | body | Is the relay in manual mode | Boolean |
replacement | body | Last replacement date and time of the attached hardware | String Default: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current state of the relay | Number |
dimmer | body | Is the relay a dimmer | Boolean |
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing relay {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the history for a specific relay for a period of 1 day
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay for which to get the history | String |
200 Relay history for 1 day
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
timestamp | body | Relay measurement unix timestamp | Integer |
value | body | Relay measurement state | Number |
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the history for a specific relay for a period
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay to return | String |
period | path | Period | String |
200 Relay history for {period}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
timestamp | body | Relay measurement unix timestamp | Integer |
value | body | Relay measurement state | Number |
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the export for a specific relay for a period of 1 day {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay for which to get the export | String |
200 Relay export for 1 day
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the export for a specific relay for a period {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay to return | String |
period | path | Period | String |
200 Relay export for {period}
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
POST Change relay {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of relay | String |
action | path | Relay action | String |
200 Return the new state
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
404 Relay does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a list of supported sensors
200 List of supported hardware
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type ID | String |
name | body | Sensor hardware type name | String |
types | body | List of supported sensor types | Array of |
POST Scan for new sensors
200 Found zero or more new sensors
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
GET Get a list of existing sensors
200 Zero or more sensors
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current value of the sensor | Number |
alarm | body | Is there a high or low alarm | Boolean |
error | body | Is there a hardware problem with the sensor | Boolean |
POST Add a new sensor {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
200 A new created sensor
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current value of the sensor | Number |
alarm | body | Is there a high or low alarm | Boolean |
error | body | Is there a hardware problem with the sensor | Boolean |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific sensor
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of sensor to return | String |
200 The requested sensor
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current value of the sensor | Number |
alarm | body | Is there a high or low alarm | Boolean |
error | body | Is there a hardware problem with the sensor | Boolean |
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing sensor with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of sensor to update | String |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
200 The updated sensor
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current value of the sensor | Number |
alarm | body | Is there a high or low alarm | Boolean |
error | body | Is there a hardware problem with the sensor | Boolean |
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing sensor {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of sensor to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get all sensor of {type}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
type | path | A valid sensor type | String |
200 The requested sensors
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Sensor hardware type from SensorHardware list | String |
type | body | The sensor measurement type | String |
name | body | Name of the sensor | String |
address | body | The address of the sensor | String |
limit_min | body | The minimum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 0 |
limit_max | body | The maximum value which is a valid measurement | Number Default: 100 |
alarm_min | body | The minimum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 0 |
alarm_max | body | The maximum value which triggers the alarm | Number Default: 100 |
max_diff | body | The maximum difference between two measurements that is valid | Number Default: 0 |
exclude_avg | body | Exclude this sensor from average calculation on the dashboard | Boolean |
calibration | body | JSON data | Object |
value | body | The current value of the sensor | Number |
alarm | body | Is there a high or low alarm | Boolean |
error | body | Is there a hardware problem with the sensor | Boolean |
404 Sensor type does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the history for a specific sensor or sensor type.
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
filter | path | Either a sensor ID or sensor type can be used as filter | String |
200 Sensor history for 1 day
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
timestamp | body | Sensor measurement unix timestamp | Integer |
value | body | Sensor measurement value | Number |
alarm_min | body | Sensor measurement low alarm value | Number |
alarm_max | body | Sensor measurement high alarm value | Number |
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the history for a specific sensor or sensor type.
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
filter | path | Either a sensor ID or sensor type can be used as filter | String |
period | path | Period | String |
200 Sensor history for {period}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
timestamp | body | Sensor measurement unix timestamp | Integer |
value | body | Sensor measurement value | Number |
alarm_min | body | Sensor measurement low alarm value | Number |
alarm_max | body | Sensor measurement high alarm value | Number |
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the export for a specific sensor or sensor type. {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
filter | path | Either a sensor ID or sensor type can be used as filter | String |
200 Sensor export for 1 day
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the export for a specific sensor or sensor type. {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
filter | path | Either a sensor ID or sensor type can be used as filter | String |
period | path | Period | String |
200 Sensor export for {period}
404 Sensor does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get the current state
200 System status
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
is_day | body | Is the system in day mode | Boolean |
uptime | body | System uptime in seconds | Integer |
load | body | System load in percentage and absolute values. It contains the current, last 5 minutes and last 15 minutes load | Object |
cpu_temperature | body | The current system CPU temperature | Integer |
memory | body | System memory usage status | Object |
storage | body | System disk usage status | Object |
GET Get all settings {"Basic"=>[]}
200 All settings
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Setting ID | String |
value | body | Setting value | String |
PUT Update multiple settings {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
body | body | All settings to change in one action |
200 All settings
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
400 Password fields do not match.
POST Add a new setting {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
value | body | Setting value | String |
200 All settings
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Setting ID | String |
value | body | Setting value | String |
GET Get a setting {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | Setting ID | String |
200 All settings
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Setting ID | String |
value | body | Setting value | String |
PUT Update a setting {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | The setting to update | String |
value | body | Setting value | String |
200 All settings
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
400 Password fields do not match.
DELETE Delete a setting {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | The setting to delete | String |
200 All settings
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
message | body | Holds the return message from the server | String Default: Action succeeded |
404 Setting does not exists
GET Get weather data
200 Weather data
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
location | body | The location based on the weather setting data | Object |
sun | body | The sun rise and set values based on the weather setting data | Object |
is_day | body | Is it currently day? | Boolean |
indicators | body | Temperature and other indicators based on locale | Object |
credits | body | Credits information from the free weather source | Object |
forecast | body | A seven day weather forecast | Array of Object |
GET Get weather temperature forecast
200 Weather forecast data
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
value | body | Weather forecast temperature in the selected temperature indicator value | Number |
timestamp | body | Weather forecast unix timestamp | Number |
GET Get a list of supported webcams
200 List of supported hardware
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware ID | String |
name | body | Webcam hardware readable name | String |
GET Get a list of existing webcams
200 Zero or more webcams
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware type from WebcamHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the webcam | String |
address | body | The address of the webcam | String |
width | body | The webcam resolution width in pixels | Integer |
height | body | The webcam resolution height in pixels | Integer |
rotation | body | The webcam rotation | String |
awb | body | The webcam white balance mode | String |
is_live | body | Is the webcam a live streaming webcam | Boolean |
flash | body | The relays that works like a flash before taking a picture from the webcam | Array of |
archive | body | Webcam archiving setting | Object |
motion | body | Webcam motion settings when archiving is set to motion | Object |
markers | body | A list of markers for the webcam with live sensor data | Array of |
POST Add a new webcam {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware type from WebcamHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the webcam | String |
address | body | The address of the webcam | String |
width | body | The webcam resolution width in pixels | Integer |
height | body | The webcam resolution height in pixels | Integer |
rotation | body | The webcam rotation | String |
awb | body | The webcam white balance mode | String |
flash | body | The relays that works like a flash before taking a picture from the webcam | Array of |
archive | body | Webcam archiving setting | Object |
motion | body | Webcam motion settings when archiving is set to motion | Object |
markers | body | A list of markers for the webcam with live sensor data | Array of |
200 A new created webcam
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware type from WebcamHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the webcam | String |
address | body | The address of the webcam | String |
width | body | The webcam resolution width in pixels | Integer |
height | body | The webcam resolution height in pixels | Integer |
rotation | body | The webcam rotation | String |
awb | body | The webcam white balance mode | String |
is_live | body | Is the webcam a live streaming webcam | Boolean |
flash | body | The relays that works like a flash before taking a picture from the webcam | Array of |
archive | body | Webcam archiving setting | Object |
motion | body | Webcam motion settings when archiving is set to motion | Object |
markers | body | A list of markers for the webcam with live sensor data | Array of |
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a specific webcam
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of webcam to return | String |
200 The requested webcam
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware type from WebcamHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the webcam | String |
address | body | The address of the webcam | String |
width | body | The webcam resolution width in pixels | Integer |
height | body | The webcam resolution height in pixels | Integer |
rotation | body | The webcam rotation | String |
awb | body | The webcam white balance mode | String |
is_live | body | Is the webcam a live streaming webcam | Boolean |
flash | body | The relays that works like a flash before taking a picture from the webcam | Array of |
archive | body | Webcam archiving setting | Object |
motion | body | Webcam motion settings when archiving is set to motion | Object |
markers | body | A list of markers for the webcam with live sensor data | Array of |
404 Webcam does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
PUT Update an existing webcam with new data {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of webcam to update | String |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware type from WebcamHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the webcam | String |
address | body | The address of the webcam | String |
width | body | The webcam resolution width in pixels | Integer |
height | body | The webcam resolution height in pixels | Integer |
rotation | body | The webcam rotation | String |
awb | body | The webcam white balance mode | String |
flash | body | The relays that works like a flash before taking a picture from the webcam | Array of |
archive | body | Webcam archiving setting | Object |
motion | body | Webcam motion settings when archiving is set to motion | Object |
markers | body | A list of markers for the webcam with live sensor data | Array of |
200 The updated webcam
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | body | Auto generated ID | String |
hardware | body | Webcam hardware type from WebcamHardware list | String |
name | body | Name of the webcam | String |
address | body | The address of the webcam | String |
width | body | The webcam resolution width in pixels | Integer |
height | body | The webcam resolution height in pixels | Integer |
rotation | body | The webcam rotation | String |
awb | body | The webcam white balance mode | String |
is_live | body | Is the webcam a live streaming webcam | Boolean |
flash | body | The relays that works like a flash before taking a picture from the webcam | Array of |
archive | body | Webcam archiving setting | Object |
motion | body | Webcam motion settings when archiving is set to motion | Object |
markers | body | A list of markers for the webcam with live sensor data | Array of |
404 Webcam does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
DELETE Delete an existing webcam {"Basic"=>[]}
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of webcam to delete | String |
200 Delete successfull
404 Webcam does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
GET Get a list of archived images for the selected period
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
id | path | ID of webcam for which to get the archive | String |
period | path | The date for which to get archive images. Format %Y/%m/%d | String |
200 Webcam history for 1 day
Name | Located in | Description | Type |
String |
404 Webcam does not exists
500 Unexpected server error
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.